Do you feel like everyone is using social media to grow their brand, except for you?

You're not alone, there are so many people who haven't tapped into their potential yet, and I want to teach you everything I've learned...


My Social Media Mini Course Teaches Exactly

How I Do It All

Learn all my secrets about how I've used Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok to drive traffic to my blog, create a loyal community of obsessed followers, and skyrocket my revenue.


  • Scrolling past endless posts of entrepreneurs using social media to fund their lifestyle
  • The uncertainty of where to begin, what to post, and how often
  • Not understanding that there IS a way to build community without being too sleazy-salesy
  • Telling myself I can put it off because it's too overwhelming to juggle all the apps now









Don't wait for the viral-worthy lifestyle and business to start your taking your account seriously.

Want to learn how to create content that converts?

Already have social media but want to make it start working for you?

Regardless of how long you've been using social media or how many times you've tried to make it profitable, this mini course will SHOW you my proven strategies.

Five years later, I am reaching over 1,000,000+ accounts monthly with just 164,000 followers on Instagram and 648,000 on TikTok!

I started on social media three years after I started my blog and it's blown up my business.

I started an Instagram to build a larger community for the By Sophia Lee blog but what I didn't know then was that my social media accounts would multiply my revenue for the Perfecting courses and The Dailee planners.

The combined power of Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok is undeniable as a business owner.

I've been able to sell out my planners for
3 years in a row, continue to make over $50k in monthly course revenue, and continue to attract over 500k page views to my blog monthly!


Perfecting Social Media

My Mini Course Teaching Exactly How I Use Social Media To Generate $3 Million A Year.

When you enroll today, this is all yours:

  • Perfecting Social Media Mini Course ($177)
  • Lifetime access to our Facebook Group ($197)
  • Lifetime access to the courses and all their future updates ($127)
  • Bonus: Monthly Stats Tracker ($57)
  • Bonus: Content Planning Worksheet ($57)
  • Bonus: Media Kit Template ($57)
  • Bonus: Master List of Social Media Tools ($57)
  • Bonus: SEO Guide ($57)

Total value: $786

Today's price: $59


Real results from other

Perfecting Courses:

When you join the courses, you get:


Video walkthroughs that teach about SEO, content planning, creating and posting, and so much more.


The exact checklists and templates that I used when I started my social media accounts and that my team still uses to this day. 


Access to the members-only Facebook Group where you can get advice from Sophia and other members that have been in the blogging world for years.

Perfecting Social Media Course Modules

SEO & Content Planning

Creating Content Step By Step

Top Tips For Growth

Introduction to Instagram

Introduction to Youtube

Introduction to TikTok

How I Plan Everything
The Tools & Apps I Use
Time Investment For Each Platform

and so much more!

Here are some of my stats using THIS EXACT strategy:

By Sophia Lee Instagram Insights:

By Sophia Lee Instagram Engagement:

After Perfecting Social Media, you will finally...

  • Have an Instagram account with an incredibly loyal community
  • Understand how to use Youtube to drive traffic and convert sales
  • Hack TikTok and get thousands of new eyes on your content
  • Free yourself from relying solely on Google to bring traffic to your website
  • Generate genuine excitement and anticipation about new projects, products, and posts
  • Interact with your community in an organic way and receive their feedback


Who is this course for?

This course is best for someone who is new to using social media for their blog or is looking to take their accounts to the next level. This is basically my dream course I wish I had been able to take when I first got my social media accounts. If I had known all of this information, my businesses would have grown even faster and I would have made money sooner.

How long do I have to complete the course?

You have as long as you want. You get lifetime access to each course which means you can take the course however slow or fast you want (although we recommend you do every single thing I suggest so you really see the effects).

Anytime we update either course or add a bonus, you will get it for free.

Does this course cover what you do for your social media?

Perfecting Social Media goes extremely in-depth on everything I do within my social media accounts. I use Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok. My Pinterest strategy is not included in this mini course so if you want to learn more about that, check out my Perfecting Pinterest course!

These are the three social media accounts that I've used, and the ones that have worked the best for me in generating more sales and more traffic to my website. I will always recommend using Pinterest as your first platform to drive traffic to your blog, however these other accounts allow you to build a stronger community and multiply sales. I'm giving all the nitty gritty details on how, when, and what I post!

What if I don't like the courses?

While I'm pretty sure that won't happen, I always want you to be satisfied with your purchase. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me within 30 days from enrollment and you can receive a full refund if you have not gone past Unit 1. You can view my refund policy here -